Monday, October 30, 2017

Elder-ly Trev

So first we had a Halloween district meeting and that went super great. Everyone had to give a training while in their costume. I was an “old missionary” and imparted my two years of knowledge.

The wedding and baptism went great. I got to walk the bride down the isle. Then after wards I got to baptize the groom. Honestly my favorite part was confirming him, then the same day I got to give him the Priesthood. We brought Elder Coca down from Frisco for the baptism. It was great to see him.

I love y’all

Elder Trev

Elder Adams & Pattee, wedding coordinators

La Familia Luna

Elder"ly" Trev

Friday, October 27, 2017

Birthday Week

I had a great birthday week! The people here are awesome. On my birthday Arturo Luna asked me to baptize him, so that was a pretty cool gift. This is my 4th transfer teaching them. They are so golden. We are having the wedding and the baptism Wednesday, it's going to be rad!

Our lesbian investigators asked if they could he sealed in the temple this week; it was hard not to laugh. We had been pretty clear on the doctrine. But anyways Nichole (one of the lesbians) is moving in with her cousin and they accepted a baptismal date.

I love y’all again
Elder Trev

Mini Elder Trev

Pozole, Trev's new favorite dish

We had to celebrated without Trev or Dave

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Birthday Wishes

Life is going good here in Irving. The worlds most money family is finally getting baptized! They got their interview last night and got their marriage certificate this morning! This is my four transfer teaching them, I feel like I am baptizing my parents; it's pretty rad!
I love being on a bike. The weather is so fresh here and being outside is awesome! It just feels good to get your hair in the wind.
We had a killer lesson with our lesbian investigators. They committed to moving out, which is a pretty big step, they have been living together for two years. They also accepted an invitation to be baptized! It's been a crazy experience teaching them! They have strong testimonies, they read the Book of Mormon daily and they
aren't doing a sin church attendance.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

I love y'all

Elder Trev

Monday, October 9, 2017

6 guys one appartmenet

This was kinda a hard week for me, @least at the start. They split my area, so now there are four missionaries in my area. I am the only one that speaks good Spanish. I am back-up training an English missionary in a Spanish area. One of the missionaries in the other companionship is a white guy that has been a Chinese missionary his whole mission. Now it's his last transfer and president put him in the most Spanish place in the mission. 
It's been hard too because now there are six guys in our apartment and it's just a mess. Plus, the new missionaries didn't have a phone, bikes, area book, etc. Not to mention the heart break of losing half of our investigators. 
They literally expect me to set up all their appointments and tell them where to go, etc and I do it because I don't want to lose the investigators. 
We had some great stuff happen this week though. The Luna's asked me to baptize their daughter. I told the dad that he needed to do it. He is such a stud investigator, they come to church every Sunday. They just need to get married. Anyways it looks like he will get baptized the first of November and than he will be able to baptize his daughter like the last week. Anyways, I am excited to plan their wedding! It's been a long time coming. 
My whole district got doubled-out so,  I am the only person that isn't new to the area. So everyone is struggling to get adjusted, I trust our mission president though. The guy breeds success. 
Certainly a crazy week though. But I like my new companion and things are going to be better this week. 

Anyways I love y'all 

Elder Pattee

New Comp Elder Adams

Luan Family

Last Transfer

We are still waiting on transfer calls but it looks like I am staying. Which is cool because it's going to be a white transfer. I start my last transfer tomorrow, it still really hasn't hit me, which I think is awesome. I am going to be with Elder Adams who is new. Everyone says he is pretty cool! And Elder Coca is training too so I am going to be a
grandpa again!

This week we will got a refugee missionary from Puerto Rico, named Elder Celaya. He is way cool!

President asked Elder Coca and I to make a video for the mission. It's way cool! We are still waiting a little bit to release it, but it's RAD!

Anyways I love y'all!,,

Elder Pattee

We got this piƱata for one of the missionaries that is going home this week. He is officially a "dead" missionary. Lol

Elder Coca, Elder Celaya and Elder Trev