The more Spanish I learn the more I realize I don't know. Nevertheless I am progressing even though some days I feel like I am not.
I wreck kids in quatro-square here. There is a whole district in my zone with kids from England and whenever I beat them I throw in a comment about the American Revolutionary War.
My district here is like my family. We eat every meal together and work together. Not gonna lie we would never have even been friends at home (except for my companion, he is so funny and actually did a lot of the same stuff we did back in Eagle {email me personally for exact details}) Today two of the Hermanas in my district taught me as a mock investigator and they did such a good job. I had written down a list of potential problems and gave them a quick little back ground of my personality before they started. They did such an amazing job of relating to me and answering the questions. I definitely took some teaching strategies from them into my own lesson's.
I have this one mock investigator named Jose. I love this man so much. I smile the whole time we talk. He is from Guatemala. I hope I can have real investigators as cool as him because I literally love him and he is such a blessing. I will send a picture of us with him next week.
I like teaching people, listening to devotionals and testimony meetings a lot more than class. But here soon I won't have to worry about that and I can just get to work. I love my teachers, they really care about us and want us so bad to be successful. They literally talk in Spanish 99% of the time, but every now and then they will get really serious and talk to us in English, just telling us how important this week is and miracles they had on their missions. I love it.
About a few times a week I usually get down on myself and think I am not progressing. When this happens I usually hop on a computer and listen to an Elder Holland talk to get amped again.
Love you all and Feliz Navidad
Thanks to the Salomonson Family, Bingham's and all the others (I left my thank you list in my room) lo siento
I can see he has grown already. What a blessing to be an angel of the Lord. We are so proud of elder Pattie.